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Changzhou Xi Theater Performance "Spring River Moon" "Climbing Bow Belt"
Release Date:2017-05-31
From May 18th to 21st, 2017, Changzhou Xi Theatre performed "Spring River Moon" and "Climbing Belt" at the Dianshan Lake Theatre, Shipu Theatre, and Hongxin Construction Group Style Center Auditorium. The performance was hosted by the Kunshan City Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Hongxin Construction Group Co., Ltd., the Kunshan City Drama Artists Association, the Changzhou Xi Theatre, and the Kunshan Qianyun Xi Opera Troupe. Hongxin Construction Group has held large-scale cultural performances several times and invited Guangda opera lovers to watch for free, contributing to the inheritance and development of traditional opera culture in the Kunshan area.

Great show.

The audience responded enthusiastically.